Tuesday, November 9, 2010
NZ online TV viewing
If all movies had smartphones
Hat-tip to the Futurelab blog
Saturday, August 21, 2010
NZ Media First on Youtube
This week, BNZ became the first NZ advertiser to make use of Youtube’s quick launch programme.
The quick launch programme gives brands the opportunity to get a video masthead execution (example above) live within 5 working days – considerably shorter than Youtube’s standard 9 day turn-around time.
The quicklaunch programme also allows brands to incorporate some really nice interactive features within their advertising.
As above, BNZ were able to include a video carousel within their ad that hosted each of their 30” Whalewatch TVC’s (something that had never been done in NZ previously).
Given that we wanted to make it as easy possible for Youtube viewers to watch and scroll between the three Whalewatch executions, we’re pretty happy with the end result.
A big thank you to Sugar, Youtube and naturally the team down at BNZ for helping make this happen….
Thursday, August 19, 2010
PHDIQ is the MSN Advertising Partner of the Year
This is the first year for the category, which recognises the MSN partner agency that "...shines above all others, demonstrating best in class online advertising practice, successful innovation and overall business success"
Specifically, PHDIQ was recognised for exemplary performance in the following areas:
- Great work that was judged to deliver powerful cut-through and brand building qualities
- Campaign results that outperformed expectations
- Best practice campaign integration with MSN's network
- Consistently thorough briefing, including campaign objectives and expectations
- Business growth, including client acquisition and agency revenues
- Provision of MSN case study opportunities
It's an honour to be recognised for the excellent work we do, thanks to Liz, Dan and Nic from MSN.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Campaign Manager Job Opportunity
We are looking for a Campaign Manager to join one of our planning teams, working with a Digital Strategist, Digital Media Manager, and day to day with a Digital Planner. You will be responsible for the correct buying and implementation of campaigns across all digital media, mobile, social, online and search. Depending on your level of experience you may also be asked to plan some small campaigns.
Ideally you will have 1-2 years experience in buying, implementing and reporting on online campaigns. It is expected that you will have solid experience with adserving platforms including Eyeblaster Media Mind and Google Analytics and also with Pegasus for invoicing.
Please feel free to contact me at christophe.spencer@phdiq.co.nz if you have any queries about the role.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Junior Search Engine Marketing Specialist Job Opportunity
PHDiQ is the digital arm of SparkPHD, the 2010 CAANZ Media Agency of The Year. We work with some of
This role will see you join our established Search Team. You will be responsible for SEM campaign management, reporting and data analysis for a set of high profile clients, working as an integral part of the wider Digital Media Team.
We are interested in applications from people who have exposure to Online Marketing, including Google Analytics and Google AdWords. Experience running small SEM campaigns, is preferred, however, we will consider graduate applications if you can demonstrate an understanding and desire to specialise in Search Marketing.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions in regards to the role at emma.kieselbach@phdiq.co.nz.
Unravelling The Myth of Online Privacy
As we have already seen awareness of privacy issues has grown with searches for Facebook Privacy changes reaching *breakout* level (over 5000% growth in a year).
The info graph on the right showed the labyrinthine structure - no wonder users were confused. Not to mention the fact that the privacy policy is now an epic 5,800 words long - longer than the US Constitution.
The other issue of course, is that once you post something on Facebook, you give them the IP. See a little-read clause in the T&Cs:
For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide licence to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook ("IP Licence"). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.
There are two things in there that should strike fear into any avid Facebooker. 'Transferable' - means they can pass [read sell] your content to any third-party they please. And 'unless your content has been shared with others' so something like your profile photo, which is by default shared with everybody, friend or no, could feasibly end up in a shiny Facebook TVC and you couldn't do a thing about it. Like this unsuspecting US family found out:
Fortunately for them, the Czech company quickly pulled the billboard down - but do you trust Facebook to be so accommodating? When this is the exchange from their CEO, I wouldn't count on it....
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks
The backlash was bad enough, with sites like quitfacebookday emerging and mainstream press like the dailymail (you don't get more mass than the mail...) helping whip up hysteria, that Facebook back-tracked and changed their policy. They have simplified the maze of settings, but it remains opt-out rather than opt-in. Time will tell if users eventually get fed up and Facebook goes the way of previous social media darlings, Friends Reunited, Myspace, Bebo et al - but in the meantime we should keep an eye on that other digital behemoth who are busily doing no evil...
Monday, May 17, 2010
Cell Phones, Social Media, Teenagers, OMG!!!
* 75% of all teenagers in the US now have a mobile phone
* 35% of all teenagers send over 100 text messages a day (!!!)
While these findings are US based its worth acknowledging these results in the context of mobile phone penetration (all ages):
*106% mobile phone penetration in NZ
*87% mobile phone penetration in US
Its funny how cell phones (as a bona fide form of media) have become a 'life tool'. In the same way that you wouldn't leave the house without your wallet or your keys, you wouldnt leave the house without your cell phone.
Another piece of research which I stumbled across whilst browsing Digital Buzz Blog was around Mobile Phones and their influence on Social Media.
Key findings:
* 25% or more than 100 million Facebook users access from a mobile phone, and those who do, are more than twice as active on social networks compared to people accessing from a computer.
* The 35-54 age bracket is the most active mobile social user. Alot of resource is going into these studies, with strong evidence suggesting that the use of social media, and particualry Facebook, is really in the realm of an older demographic. This should be a bit of a slap in the face to a lot of big corporates who continue to view Facebook and social media as only for teenagers.
Thats all for now...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Facebook and Privacy - NZ view
Saturday, April 24, 2010
NZ media - Innovate or die
As a media agency, we are engaged by our clients for a number of reasons but one of the key ones is cost efficient and effective media purchase across channels. It's the requirement - and in some cases these are tied to our income - for cost efficiency that drives the agency to negotiate hard on behalf of clients.
Invariably most campaigns do include an online display element, however we're now seeing more and more of the NZ based online media owners dropping CPM rates to match those offered by ad networks and international sites with much higer levels of inventory. Of course this is great for us and great for our clients - but how sustainable is this for the local online media market? With sub $5 CPM rates being touted about, even I can do a back of the envelope calculation to work out that the revenue is minimal.
Of course a site like Trade Me is an exception, and interestingly the smaller niche sites are innovating well - for example, Interest.co.nz and Snow.co.nz. This enables them to hold CPM's at a higher rate but the effectiveness (however it's defined) generally justifies these.
If this continues the NZ based media properties who don't innovate with their product and/or advertising propostion are destined for failure. Ad spends are moving faster than ever from local market offerings, because there's very little differentiation in the inventory between local and international players. In fact the international offering is stronger, with behavioural targeting well established and advanced targeting opportunities offered all the time.
So NZ sites - we want to invest with you. You have relevant local content and information which engages our audiences. But you need to start differentiating on something other than price parity. And whilst this may feel like a chicken and egg situation - you need to invest to get additional revenue - trust me when I say that our budgets are following the results and are going to those who can deliver. Being NZ based no longer guarantees you income.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
And on to Global Domination
Maybe it was just me, but if I didn't know better I'd think Ad Tech was a big old piece of branded content brought to you by Facebook. I can't tell you how many sessions Facebook was mentioned in, but I'm pretty sure it was all of them (except maybe the Channel Planning session - and those of you that were there know what I mean).
In typical conference style, unreferenced facts and figures were being thrown around like impressions on a network cpc buy:
- Facebook is now the #1 site in the US - bumping Google from the top position it has held since it took over from MySpace...
- In the UK, advertisers are now spending more on Facebook than they are on Google
- Australia is the social media capital of the world - 70% of the population are social networkers
- This year Facebook will buy Google...
Now that last one was a joke, Or was it. Stranger things have happened as anyone who has been in and around this industry for a few years knows. Who would have thought anyone could be bigger than Google? But for me it raises a few questions:
- How are all those UK advertisers managing to spend so much on Facebook?
- Does this mean Facebook is working hard to find more ways to let advertisers in? And if they do, will they suffer such a backlash from their community that it will cause them to move onto the next big thing (like MySpace users did)?
- What will that next big thing be?
Answers on the back of a postcard please.